New Signet (1.8.7) - online

General How-Tos

Chest Shops

The daily, weekly, monthly and special New Signet Lottery is an opportunity to win prizes lottery-style. To visit New Signet's lottery building, visit /warp Lottery.
To play, do the following:
-Buy ticket(s) (sponges). Each ticket is $15.00.
-Hit the experience button a few times to get at least 5 levels per ticket.
-Name your ticket(s) your In-Game-Name (i.e. DemigodLily, Byty789).
-Drop them in a hopper of your choice. Prizes and intervals are displayed above each hopper.
-No refunds/exchanges steadily available. If you feel your case is valid, drop a line with /mail send tron95 [msg], whereas [msg] is your message (without the brackets). Refunds are now available; visit /warp Bank to sell them for the listed amount ($15)!

Chest Shops
Each chest shop costs $10.00 to set up. Follow the following format:

Item (ID)

IGN: Your In-Game-Name (i.e. PepperSnake, Miriblood)
Qty: Quantity in which you wish to sell. (i.e. 16 cobblestone)
Price: In the format of [B #:# S]. On the left side of the colon, if you'd like to sell the item(s), type "B" (stands for "Buy"), a space, and the price that you would like a player to buy the item(s) for. On the right side of the colon, if you'd like to buy the item(s), type "S" (stands for "Sell"), a space, and the price you would like a player to sell the item(s) for. Note that you do not have to include a buying or selling price; it could be a shop that players can only buy or sell from.
Item (ID): This is where you put the Item ID. Some item IDs are easy-- cobblestone would simply be "Cobblestone". But for items like carrots, it'd be 391, or Carrot_Item. For a easy way to look up item IDs, go to, type in the item, and use the ID next to it.


B 15:16 S

In this example, SignetBank is selling 10 torches for $15.00, and buying 10 torches for $16.00 each. 

Here is an exhaustive list of player commands.
/help- help for commands. 
/sethome [home]- sets a home named [home]. You can have a total of three homes.
/afk- marks you as AFK (away-from-keyboard)
/back- teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp/death/etc.
/bal [player], /balance [player], or /money- tells the amount of money for [player]
/compass- describes your location.
/delhome [home]- deletes a home.
/depth- ..tells you your depth.
/helpop- messages online admins.
/home [home]- takes you to home [home].
/ignore [player]- ignores or unignores [player].
/list- lists all online players.
/mail- manages mail.
/me- describes an action in the context of the player.
/motd- nope.
/msg [player] [message]- messages [player].
/nick [nickname]- gives you a nickname [nickname].
/pay [player] [amount]- pays [player] said [amount].
/ping- pong(?)
/r [message]- reply to the last player to message you.
/realname [nickname]- tells you the username of [nickname].
/rules- doesn't work. Go to /spawn to see the rules.
/seen [player]- tells you when [player] was last on.
/time- displays the time (Minecraft time)
/tpa [player]- request to teleport to [player].
/tpaccept- accept a teleport request.
/tpdeny- deny a teleport request.
/tpahere- request someone to teleport to you.
/warp [warp name]- warp/teleport to [warpname].

Protecting Doors and Containers
To prevent people who can access your plot from opening chests or doors, follow the following format:

Your IGN

-[Private]- this is mandatory.
-Your IGN- the first one has to be yours.
-IGN- anyone else you would like to allow access to the container/door. Note that if they are not added to the plot, they will not be able to access it, added to the sign or not.



In this example, SignetProtect has protected a container (or door). SignetProtect, tron95 and PepperSnake can access this container/door; it is locked to everyone else.


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