Copy and paste this form into an email to subjected as "Town Application". Any emails left unsubjected or incorrectly subjected will automatically be rejected.
Make sure you have a good idea of what your concept is before you submit it, and be prepared to answer a buttload of questions if your application looks appealing!
In-Game Name:
What is your Minecraft In-Game Name?
- Name of Town:Required
What is the name of your town? The simplest and most basic bit of information, of course.
- Town Theme:Required
What is the theme of your town, if any? If none, just say "None/Nonspecific/General".
- Town Idea:Required
What exactly IS your town idea? Discuss it here and go through all of the plans and such that you'd like to see happen to your town. Discuss why you think it's a good idea and try to convince us to like it too. Act like a "used car salesman" when you're doing this. Really sell your idea to us!
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