Thanks so much for coming to the Skype anniversary chat! It was awesome and amazing. I'm really sorry if things seemed a bit chaotic; I probably could've/should've planned it differently.
Overall, I think it was a success! If you weren't able to view the videos, here they are*:
*If you're still experiencing trouble, drop me a line and I'll send you a copy! Email at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Announcements made during the call included:
-Lotteries out at the moment are they best they've ever been so far! Go do the thang!
- Aaand.. Staff Applications are open again. If you're interested, read the following burnt sienna-colored text; if not, just skipskipskip. xD
Staff Application and Guidelines
If you're applying, please only apply for the following positions (as of now), and only apply if you're serious about this:
- Website Moderator
Writes on events and updates. This is a lot of work, so if you're interested, please expect a lot! Includes taking and captioning pictures, using Facebook, Youtube and Google+ knowledge (in the application, please include your experience with these platforms in the experience section), and updating the main website itself (oooOOoo) quite often.
- Recruiter
Talks to people about our server (checks: do we want this person on our server?) (not random people, but like friends); looking for kind, outgoing and great-first-impressionists.
Possible Positions Coming Up (Do not apply for these, just be aware of their possible availability in the near future):
-Backup Moderator
-..a backup server moderator, used when needed. An on-call-type person.
-Server Moderator
- a full-time server moderator.
-Site Admin
- must know (at least) a lil HTML. Knowledge-based and heavy stuff. Leadership skills and creative thinking is a must.
Please read everything. And I mean everything. If you're really into getting a position, read through this completely, and read through the application and guidelines; F.A.Q.s, rules and other things available on the website would also be helpful to look at, and would probably help your case considerably if you're looking to obtain a staff position.
Keep in mind that to be selected, you do not always have to apply.
And, uh.. if you missed the speech, here's the gist of it (available because I'm a corny lil dork and practiced it a million times.):
"Happy Anniversary!
Today is a special day.
While it may seem insignificant that today marks the anniversary of our server, it's much more.
It's friendship; it's teamwork, it's hope and it's magic. It's not, or ever has been "just a game".
You guys are the best. It means the world, and so much more to me that you all are here and that you've stayed with us for so long. You really mean everything to me. I have absolutely no idea what to do without you guys. I love you all."
Overwhelmingly positive reaction to a mass Skype call, and countless requests for more like it. What do you guys think? (cue the comments below)
Monthly code is still in effect! Go search through recent March posts to find it! ;D
I know I've said this a lot, but I love you guys so much.
Over and out.
(sorry hamzah)
That was awsom yes plz